2025 EJCBA Charity Golf Tournament

“The Gloria”
In memoriam of Gloria Fletcher
Benefiting The Guardian ad Litem Program


Friday, February 28th, 2025
Registration at 11:00 a.m.
Lunch at 11:30 a.m.
Tee Time – Shotgun start at 12:30 p.m.

University of Florida Mark Bostick Golf Course
Four-Person Scramble
Cost: $135 per golfer ($125 if registered and paid by February 21, 2025) (Students $65 per Golfer)

Mulligans $15 and YLD $30 per golfer

Registration is closed for this year, thanks to all who participated!!!

Sponsorship Levels

The Amazing Give !

On April 21 you will have 12 hours to give from your heart to help abused and neglected children in our community.  Please help support our cause and participate in this wonderful annual event between the hours of 7 a.m. – 7 p.m.  All donations provide for the purchase of day-to-day necessities or assist in providing desired activities (such as summer camp) to help normalize the lives of children in the Guardian ad Litem program.  We appreciate any and all donations of whatever size and thank you for your generosity.  Let’s make this a successful campaign!

The Amazing Give

Children Still Need Your Help!

While many things in our lives have been disrupted or ceased by the pandemic, one thing hasn’t changed –
Children in the dependency system still need your help!

The Guardian Foundation provides resources not available through state funding to help normalize the lives of abused, neglected and/or abandoned children represented by The Guardian ad Litem Program.

  • A tablet provided to a nonverbal child with physical and cognitive limitations allows him to communicate using alternative augmentative communication applications.
  • A double stroller provided to a caregiver of medically complex twins can now transport the premature babies to their medical appointments easily.
  • Youth are able to attend various camps each year because of the assistance from The Guardian Foundation.

The needs of children in the dependency system have not stopped.
Help support the work of The Guardian Foundation.
Make a difference in the lives of children within your community!

Join us for EJCBA’s Annual Golf Tournament

“The Gloria”
In memoriam of Gloria Fletcher

The Guardian Foundation

Friday, March 5, 2021 Registration & Lunch at 11:30 a.m. Tee Time at 12:30 p.m.

University of Florida Mark Bostick Golf Course Player’s Choice (Two-Person of Four-Person Scramble) Cost: $130 per golfer ($115 if registered and paid by February 26, 2021) (Students $55 per Golfer)

First ever Life Saver Award

The Guardian ad Litem Program’s Circuit Director, Angela Armstrong and Training Facilitator, Irena Melvin presented Bill Stasiewicz with a Life Saver Award on August 14, 2017 as a thank you for saving the day for a recent volunteer event. Bill is a Volunteer with the Program and an Advisory Board Member of the Guardian Foundation.

Our sincere thanks to Bill!